The GE Vivid E90 is a best-in-class premium cardiovascular machine that is compatible with GE’s XDclear ultrasound transducers like the M5Sc and C1-6-D. The Vivid E90 is GE’s replacement of the GE Vivid E9, its predecessor. Functionality-wise, the E90 has very similar user inputs with an upgraded touchscreen interface. However, the Vivid E90 comes with the all-new cSound technology- GE’s new and improved image processing software.
Type: OB-GYN / Shared services / Versatile
Popular Configurations: P2D, M5SC-D, 9L-D
Accessories: Foot-switch, DVD-Recorder, VCR, Printer, Streaming DVR, Optical isolation cable, Independent steer & lockable wheels